Why HR Should Focus on Talent Management in 2014

December 31, 2013


Following a year of economic pressure on companies’ recruitment and talent management divisions, 2014 is prediction to bring the much needed winds of change. But what should HR leaders be focusing on in this upcoming year?

In an article on Forbes.com, Ed Lawler, Author of “Effective Human Resource Management” highlights the importance of HR leaders focusing on talent management within their respective organizations, as it’s been shown to strongly impact the bottom line.

Here are some of his tips for ensuring your HR talent management strategy is contributing to the overall effectiveness and financial performance of the organization.

The most important thing that HR should focus on in talent management is assessing the skills the organization needs to implement its strategy and the plan for recruiting and managing that critical talent. It is important to understand what the organization can do to add the right talent: Whether it is best recruited or best internally developed, and whether it is even possible to develop the right talent in order to implement business strategy. Understanding the availability of talent in combination with knowing how it is critical for the business strategy should lead to a more interactive relationship between the strategic choices of the organization and how its talent is trained and managed.

Talent has always been important, but it has increasingly become more critical because so many organizations are doing much more complex, knowledge-based work and operating globally. This has created a situation where the performance of talent has a major impact on the bottom line. The difference in many critical jobs between good talent performance and poor talent performance is 100 to 1. That reality is increasingly causing knowledge-work-based organizations to focus on talent as a source of competitive advantage.

Lawler concludes by asking the question “Why aren’t there more organizations that focus on talent?” Three reasons:

1. Some business leaders think they can live without top talent.

2. Others believe talent management is important, but they do not see it as being as important as finance or technology.

3. Many executives are unable to see the relationship between talent issues and the business strategy of their organization because they may not have a background in talent management.

Be sure that you are not falling victim to any of the above notions by taking steps to implement the strongest talent management strategy you can for your organization. 

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Read the full article on Forbes.com.

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