Using Executive Assessments To Predict Employment Success

May 6, 2014

As all leaders know, the process of hiring a new executive or key manager is difficult and complex. It involves trying to determine if candidates’ qualifications meet the needs of the organization; if they have potential to be successful in the role and can continue to grow over time; how they “fit” with the culture; and how to best ensure they can come up to speed quickly.

Organizations understand they need to have greater focus on retention and succession planning as part of the hiring process, not just making a job offer. Yet all of these decisions are generally limited to subjective interviews and reference checks.

While interviews have become more sophisticated through the use of competency-based interview questions, interviews alone do not always predict success. Because of privacy laws and rising sensitivity to litigation, references may only yield cursory and positive information about candidates. So the question becomes, “Are there other ways to increase the probability of long-term hiring success?” The answer is, “yes.”

The Value of Executive Assessments


Search firms and companies are finding that adding executive and leadership assessments improves their ability to predict candidate success, retention and succession planning. Adding executive assessments is cost-effective and has proven to be a valuable additional “leg” supporting the hiring process.

Executive and management assessments are not new to the hiring process. Standardized, validated tests that highlight behavioral tendencies have been around for several years. These are not the personality tests from decades past. These assessments indicate an executive’s preferences with regard to leadership skills, decision-making, interpersonal style and delegation.

The instruments used to conduct the assessment are well researched and validated across a broad population of executives over many years. Some of these instruments include:

  • DiSC
  • 16 PF
  • Meyers Briggs Type Indicator

As stand-alone instruments, they provide theoretical measurements based on research. When used in conjunction with live interviews conducted by an individual who is experienced in the review and analysis of these instruments, they provide an important, more objective source of information on a candidate.

This additional information brings more value to the entire selection process, including insights into candidate cultural fit, on-boarding and development needs. As new hires come through the door, organizations have a better handle on where the individuals will be successful and what needs to be done to support their ongoing success. Some companies use the assessment with new executives or key managers as a reference or coaching tool.

More Information

For more information on the benefits of executive and leadership assessments, download The Overture Group's free white paper The Value of Executive Assessments in the Hiring Process.

The Overture Group understands the value of finding the right hire for your company.  With each team member holding 10+ years’ experience, we bring the experience you need to find your next candidate. We believe in helping you improve your recruiting and HR efforts through tactical planning.  Contact us to see how we can bring our experience can help you.

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