Caution Ahead: Social Media & You

August 8, 2017


Reaching out on social media to friends and those we love has now become easier than ever. However, after the recent Harvard student fiasco, now is a good time to think about your personal social media accounts. Although this example pertains to students, the subject of being cautious about what you personally post can be applied to all people who are part of a workplace. There can be excuses after excuses about why personal accounts seem safe online, but the keyword here is “seem”. The fact of the matter is, anyone can see your stuff if they are adamant about doing so. Take it from the experts, it’s better to be safe than sorry especially when it comes to the effect it has in your career.

The biggest question that should be answered is, “Why should I be cautious?”.

You Represent Your Company:

Any kind of activity you do online is traceable. Think of your online presence as a representation of yourself.

In doing so, you have to conclude that you also represent the company you work for. Just like in the real world, no matter where you are at you have to act in a way that best represents your brand because your name is connected to the company you are a part of. It’s best to keep this in mind especially when posting updates about events or photos that could be proven detrimental to you and your status with your company. In this day and age, it’s very difficult to keep your online work reputation apart from your personal reputation because content is intertwined through search engines and social media networks.

Employers May Be Looking:

Social media provides a new network for employers to really see what their employees are up to. Sites like LinkedIn are purposefully meant for networking relations, however, other sites that are meant for more personal profiles are now commonly being monitored by employers. Although you may have every security feature switched on so outside profiles can’t gain access to your profile content, there are many loopholes people can take to get the information they need. Don’t be naïve, post only content that you can easily show your employer, because they may already be looking.

Future Employers Are Definitely Looking:

Even if you’re not actively seeking out other positions, it is important to remember that future employers can still find your social media accounts. A questionable status update posted to your Twitter account may be enough to keep a potential outside employer from reaching out to you with an exciting new opportunity. Get into the habit of thinking about your audience before you press the “post” button.

The internet is a difficult thing to regulate. A social media site can say all it wants about the security of your content or hiding personal information from outside viewers. However, the rule of thumb is that as soon as content is put anywhere online, it’s there continually and it’s going to be accessible from multiple angles. Don’t let such a small habit affect your workplace or future career. Take charge now and omit questionable posts/pictures from your personal networking sites. Let the experts help you better prepare for future opportunities and contact The Overture Group today.

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