Executive On-boarding – a 90 day plan

August 27, 2013


By definition, on-boarding is a process to assist the transition of new employees into an organization. How did you feel on the first day of high school? Excited? Scared? How does everyone know where to go, and why does everything seem so normal to them? That feeling is also what new employees feel on their first day at a new job. This uncomfortable feeling is something almost every entry-level employee should be used to, and eventually with a bit of time and guidance, they find themselves comfortable and assimilated with the new organization.

But what about high-level executives who are demanded a higher level of productivity and lower learning curves? There isn’t much hand-holding or guidance for executives, and therefore they must be fully ready to contribute once they’ve accepted their job offer.

An article from ASTD outlines important steps to starting your new career on the right foot.

During the first few days, agencies should support new executives’ emphasis on:

  • learning the protocols and processes of the agency
  • obtaining clarification of expectations
  • engaging in timely and accurate communication with key stakeholders
  • devising regular and effective communication processes with peers, superiors, and other stakeholders. This process starts on the first day and improves on an ongoing basis.

During the first 30 days, new executives should emphasize:

  • understanding cultural issues
  • obtaining consensus on top strategic priorities
  • devising a 90-day plan
  • becoming familiar with senior leadership relationships and determining potential risks and problem areas in the new environment
  • examining and considering improvements in the immediate organizational structure.

During the next 30 days, the key tasks for a new executive typically include:

  • identifying early wins
  • identifying learning priorities
  • finalizing an action plan to discuss with senior leaders
  • refining specific job expectations and resource requirements with the executive’s manager.

During days 60 to 90, the new executive should emphasize:

  • articulating a vision and engaging the team
  • developing and implementing action plans to support execution of early wins
  • strengthening alliances with key stakeholders
  • maintaining regular and effective communication processes with peers, superiors, and other stakeholders.

Read the full article here.

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